Homework is part of a student's educational program and may include completion of unfinished work from the classroom, practice of previously taught concepts, special projects or research that requires home support. Sometimes there may be events that interfere with homework so we ask that parents work with the classroom teachers to develop a plan that works for them. This plan may look like extra work on one evening to accommodate an activity such as hockey practice or dance on a specific evening. It is important that student learn to manage competing life priorities as they progress through their education and we thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
Teachers assess and evaluate student progress on a continuous basis. Students are provided with on-going formative feedback regarding their strengths, weaknesses, and specific steps they can take to improve their performance. Students are expected to work diligently, study for all tests and quizzes, and complete all assignments by the due dates set by their teachers. All assignments must be completed even if due dates are missed. Student achievement is described by provincial "Levels of Achievement" within each grade. Level 1 - Achievement is below the provincial standard; Level 2 - Achievement approaches the provincial standard; Level 3 - Achievement meets the provincial standard consistency and the degree of effectiveness with which students work. Student achievement is recorded and officially reported to parents in each of the two terms. Parents are encouraged to complete and return the parent signature page of the Report Cards. success for students is most likely to occur when parents, students, and staff form a partnership in which communication is ongoing. Please do not hesitate to call your child's teacher if you have a question or concerns. Students will receive a Progress Report and two Report Cards.